Sam developed this outrageous personality in order to set herself apart.
He is known for mostly playing psychopaths and villains, and also for his outrageous personality both on stage and in real life.
With Todd's outrageous and charismatic personality World's Worst Tenants has become a fan favorite.
But the one thing it really has going for it is a talented cast headed by a young, loud, outrageous personality, Martin Lawrence.
Widely known by his nickname Maca, though trained as an actor, Marinković is most notable for his outrageous personality showcased during his stints on reality television.
Certainly, they look an irresistible force and fortunately Atkinson has again moulded a team around his own outrageous personality - entertaining, a bit flash at times, but tough as old boots.
WKOJ featured a rock format without any hard rock or outrageous personalities.
And all of it wrapped up with Reid Malenfant's outrageous personality and gigantic projects.
Hyōi-geinin tend to be shy and uncomfortable with revealing their true character and find it hard to perform without hiding behind an outrageous personality or appearance.
The company was developed to showcase some of the outrageous personalities Heimberg encountered in her early days.