For some, the watch is still the ultimate status symbol - and people are willing to pay pretty outrageous sums.
I appeal for fairness, yet ask for outrageous sums of money.
He had contracted to pay an outrageous sum for a trained, experienced prism.
But for some, the watch is still the ultimate status symbol - and they're willing to pay pretty outrageous sums.
"It's not an outrageous sum of money," he said.
So I'd started being nicer about at least talking to people when they offered outrageous sums of money.
They see owners threatening to leave their cities and players demanding outrageous sums of money.
Ogger offered an even more outrageous sum and company stock as well.
I was trying for the outrageous sum of $50, which Calvins were then.
He would pay an outrageous sum of money for a ice-cold imported beer in a green bottle.