The band plays at home games and various other marketing, promotional and community outreach events sponsored by the Texans throughout the year.
The event serves as both a fundraiser and an important outreach event to the wider community.
The telescope is now used regularly for outreach events and occasionally for undergraduate-level classes.
Mercy For Animals distributed 200,000 pieces of vegetarian literature in 2007, and conducted over 220 public outreach events.
Mercy for Animals distributed 400,000 pieces of literature during 2009, and held over 400 public outreach events.
The goal of the campaign is to provide consumers access to fresh, locally grown food through outreach events, local food guides, and educational materials.
Anyone who thinks certain Universities holding outreach events for Eton students is not just warming the future donors please go sit in the corner.
I believe Super Sunday can be your biggest outreach event of the year.
Scopex, a large public outreach event, is held every year under the auspices of the Johannesburg Centre.
As of 2011, the Denver Astronomical Society hosts several public outreach events at the observatory every month.