The administrative court was set up to resolve complaints against the misconduct, neglect or outright abuse by bureaucratic and government agencies.
Those accounts, they say, often leave the public with a belief that the system is open to special pleading or outright abuse.
She said Dr. Elders's foes were using "insidious tactics" and "outright abuse."
As with their male counterparts, their management of slaves appears to have varied from relative care to negligence and outright abuse.
The situation has gone from an amusing curiosity to an outright abuse of people's rights.
In fact, I classify it as outright abuse!
These drinking problems and depression then served to exacerbate his distrust of the Diefenbaker government into outright abuse.
Mr. Sachs, who has visited low-wage factories around the world, is opposed to child or prisoner labor and other outright abuses.
At the beginning of the novel, Patty has low self-esteem brought on by her mother's criticism of her appearance and her father's outright abuse.
The only thing that might kill her is plain, outright abuse.