Paradoxes I was prepared to accept from this place but outright contradictions seemed a little excessive.
I was careful to write most politely, making my points more probes of his lessons than outright contradictions.
That was at least two outright contradictions and three real surprises.
His own life history resonates with the ambivalences and outright contradictions of a world between colonial rule and independence.
There were few noteworthy variations of the outer form which was an outright contradiction to the theory of destandardization.
At the core of President Obama's Afghanistan strategy there's always been a tension, if not an outright contradiction, between means and ends.
In practice, these definitions often coincide, and the differences between them are more a matter of emphasis than of outright contradiction.
If you discredit everything that says Jesus is divine and reconciles people with God, there's an outright contradiction between the two.
He held that idealism was an outright contradiction and rejection of common sense.
Kleene (1967, p. 324) describes the result as "not a paradox in the sense of outright contradiction, but rather a kind of anomaly".