To treat us differently when there is only one class of stock is outright discrimination.
It is "outright discrimination," Davis argued, to exclude any capable girl from playing any particular sport.
It works much better in tightly defined instances of outright discrimination rather than hate speech.
I have no problems with laws against outright discrimination.
While laws bar outright discrimination, they cannot prevent the myriad other means to keep women isolated, excluded and marginalized.
She said too many black and Hispanic students have already been kept from achievement classes because of low expectations or outright discrimination early in their careers.
But these days they are also finding themselves increasingly subject to intense suspicion, resentment and, in many cases, outright discrimination.
"These are evolving technologies and sometimes the line between reasonable network management and outright discrimination can be less than crystal clear," he added.
Some people see this as an unacceptable attack on human rights and as outright discrimination.
Many of them learned few skills under the old system, and they face outright discrimination.