American officials are considering ways to help including loans on favorable terms and outright grants of food.
Moreover, about a third of its students receive financial aid in the form of outright grants.
These are outright grants for students from low-to-moderate-income families.
He also asked for outright grants to get his business off the ground and to help finance his version of the American dream.
The money comes without any strings, and it is one of the largest outright grants Connecticut has ever given to a company.
If they decline to do so, they must return the outright grants - but not the hefty salaries.
Several people mistakenly thought that the credit guarantee was an outright grant.
Our doctors attended medical school with the aid of federally guaranteed student loans or outright grants.
"Oh, he's holding out for an outright grant," Longspoon rubbed his hands together.
The outright grant of $300,000, therefore, supports the notion of developing rather than creating a career.