An outright payment to the companies as well as administrative and replacement costs will mean that the schools will be out $4.8 million originally earmarked for educational purposes.
The incentive you offer to the customer can range from information, to entertainment, to a sweepstakes, to outright payment for the prospect's attention.
"So, rather than make outright payments, they resort to these measures."
Instead of making an outright payment to a beneficiary the trustees may decide to lend monies to a beneficiary.
Finally, in exchange for efforts to upgrade existing subscribers to client software that came bundled with Internet Explorer instead of Navigator, Microsoft granted rebates - and in some cases made outright payments - to those same IAP's.
Customs charges are accounted for and payment is made by a deferment account for outright payment or in some cases the potential charges are secured via a deferred Miscellaneous Cash Deposit.
The other three estates Chrysogonus signed over to Cousin One as outright payment.
Their convictions clash head-on with the constant demands for bribes, falsified documents and outright payments for babies.
The sentencing letter details a pattern of gift-giving, loans and outright payments from Mr. Kane, who died in 1990, to several Grumman officials, including Mr. O'Brien.
Throughout the campaign, PRI party workers used a variety of tactics to pressure voters or reward them for their vote, from a massive drive to get photocopies of voter credentials to Election-Day food handouts and outright payments to voters.