The last thing I want is an outright war.
And in 1863 we launched our great war against Russia - yes, outright war.
In this case, the issue is not corruption, but whether the Government feels strong enough to endure an outright war with the cartel.
Once again the threat of outright war was brought into play.
Although not calling for an outright holy war, the young clerics hint at the possibility.
During the Dutch reign, 1761-1766, was the only period of outright war.
Meanwhile, events had moved from local agitations against the British crown to outright war.
While things had never, quite, come to the point of outright civil war, they seemed to be edging closer to it.
To do so now would be an act of aggression, if not outright war.
You've got an old-fashioned sense of morality, which is not a criticism, but we're engaged in an outright war.