Mayer, a 22-year-old who was reared outside Buffalo, always seems to be the one who receives the least attention in the group.
Before dawn, Operation Rescue volunteers gather at a church outside Buffalo to pray and plot their strategy.
The company, which is based outside Buffalo and has 27 employees and 6,700 subscribers, has spent $100,000 defending itself.
A small Italian food import-export company had opened in a conveniently obscure shopping strip outside Buffalo.
Overcoming this setback, he has since moved 80 of his Taiwanese followers to a place just outside Buffalo.
Mr. Alwan told the court he worked for a company called Satellite Services outside Buffalo.
One time he even sold his farm outside Buffalo, fearing he would be moving on.
I grew up poor in a blue-collar family outside Buffalo.
In one speech outside Buffalo, a gathering near a railroad bridge listened to Mr. Kennedy talking without a microphone.
Robert Gundlach was born in 1926 in a small town several miles outside Buffalo.