An answer to President Kennedy's challenge had appeared a year earlier outside Phoenix, where the developer Del Webb built his first big retirement community.
The first is a typical suburban town house outside Phoenix, just around the corner from his parents.
When reached on his cell phone, Mr. Leonard was relaxing at a recreational-vehicle park a few miles outside Phoenix after a full day of work.
McFarland had lived outside Phoenix while working for Honeywell in the early 1990's.
But that's not what is being built and planned here outside Phoenix, and that's not the emerging pattern nationwide.
The seller had ferried it from his airport in Houston to Lowell's local strip outside Phoenix.
But with their daughter sick, the Fascioccos ended up making an indefinite layover just outside Phoenix, in Gilbert.
To research for the podrace vehicles, the visual effects crew went to a jet junkyard outside Phoenix, and scavenged four Boeing 747 engines.
Bricklin is now working to set up the first auto ranch outside Phoenix, and he expects to break ground in July.
Job offers were posted there, too, including one from a charter school outside Phoenix looking for a music teacher.