In the month since sales began, contracts have been signed or are pending on 20 units, all but two to outside buyers.
Seven of those have already been sold to outside buyers.
This applies to outside buyers and to new renters who get an option to buy.
The offer to the tenants is approximately 50 to 60 percent below the asking price for apartments to outside buyers.
He said he began to think of ways a management change could be achieved without bringing in an outside buyer.
The Chandler family's first preference remains for the company to be sold in its entirety to an outside buyer, these people said.
No attempts were made to find an outside buyer for the shuttle.
"We're holding the other three apartments until we get an amendment through the Attorney General's office to raise the price for outside buyers."
As of last week, 63 apartments in the 236-unit building were sold - 25 to "insiders" and 38 to outside buyers.
They can then remain in their apartment or "flip" it to an outside buyer, who must pay the full market price.