Mr. Miller said the bureau would support the training program if outside financing was secured.
Cash flow is important, he said, because it "lets the company continue to grow without having to look to outside financing."
Candidates from both parties believe that outside financing will flow into the campaign.
Its bid was rejected by a federal board, forcing the airline to seek outside financing.
The company will seek outside financing but it may also consider self-financing, he said.
The Wright program, which receives no outside financing, has a budget of about $1,000 for supplies.
It's against Islamic law to charge or pay interest so he never seeks outside financing.
They said the agency expected to save $100 million in annual interest costs by seeking outside financing.
Her aim, she said, is a plan under which the school would defer paying rent until it gets outside financing.
He and others say the college kept the negotiations quiet until it was too late and made no attempt to ask for outside financing.