You also can look for support outside of your family and friends.
That would take on added seriousness in a Muslim country, where speaking to young women outside of one's family is considered highly inappropriate.
"And this penny's special," she said, "because you're the first person outside of my family who's thought my thoughts might be worth something."
"I never met anyone who didn't like him - outside of his immediate family," says one son.
Director Graham is the first person outside of Sarah's family confirmed to know her real name.
"That secret has not passed outside of my family for nearly twelve hundred years," he said.
"Outside of his family, that job was what he lived for," said another friend, Paul Stewart.
Not a soul outside of her own family ever saw her again.
Like many men, he had few emotional outlets outside of his family.
When he finished the book he was unsure that it would interest anyone outside of his family.