I refilled the bucket at the outside tap, poured in disinfectant then got down on my hands and knees and began to scrub.
Water balloons are typically filled at an indoor faucet, an outside tap, or at the end of a garden hose.
A kind and generous man, this farmer went one better, letting me stay in his garden and even filling both my water bottles from an outside tap.
They found an outside tap, and Bolan washed the gash.
LuAnn scrounged up a bucket and, using water from the outside tap, she filled up the watering trough, and laid out the hay in front of Joy.
In the garage he fetched a bucket, which he filled from an outside tap.
At any moment by turning the outside tap the room could be flooded with gas.
She rented a cottage in Dooagh, with no electricity, one outside tap for water, and a corrugated iron roof on the traditional stone cottage, now since demolished.
"That was The Potter using the outside tap," said Jupiter.
They have no street lighting and the water supply for some homes comes from a neighbour's outside tap.