In part this reflects a reluctance to let outsiders interfere with the job of policing, as well as a suspicion about soci - ology, which for many policemen sounds too much like the word 'socialist'; social work suffers from the same association.
The idea that outsiders should interfere with U.S. production and distribution of these murderous poisons is plainly unthinkable.
What he had to say, however, was programmed in such a way that outsiders could not interfere with official business: 'This is Charles.
It is state-sponsored terror if, as we all assume, outsiders are interfering with those building nuclear weapons capability for Iran.
It is a common idea that outsiders, specifically lawmakers, should not interfere with such private matters as violence in the home.
But once more his mind stammered . . . No outsider could interfere.
I can't let outsiders interfere.
It was whether outsiders should interfere with the business of Purdy.