He said that hotel dining was never "in the education of the French," especially with so many outstanding choices outside.
If you're looking for saves on a budget, Johnson looks like an outstanding choice.
Reviews have rated the book as an outstanding choice for high school students, and it is required reading in a number of high schools.
If you can live with those drawbacks, the D300 will be an outstanding choice.
The Switch 35 is an outstanding choice in moderate temperatures where moisture and compressibility are issues.
"I am saying that he is an outstanding choice, and he wants to do what Bush wants to do."
"What are you going to say when you get a great, outstanding choice like Cheney, who's widely respected?"
An outstanding choice, if I may say so.
Our offer here gives just a glimpse of the outstanding choice available.
We believe that her far-ranging knowledge and her realism about the global economy make her an outstanding choice for the job.