Even if compromises can be reached quickly in Geneva on the outstanding disputes, the necessary legal language will take at least two more months to draft.
Only the conclusions or any outstanding disputes go to the full Cabinet.
So most of the sticky issues had been resolved, or at least swept under the rug; the biggest outstanding dispute was the Red objection.
It also provided for a Reconciliation Commission to bring the two communities closer together and resolve outstanding disputes from the past.
They currently have no outstanding international disputes.
The agreement settles all outstanding disputes along the two countries' common 740-mile border, eight years after normal relations were restored in 1991.
Statements by Argentine officials also indicate that outstanding disputes with Britain had ended.
"We must sit across the table and thrash out our outstanding disputes," he has said.
The legislation passed today does not eliminate all outstanding disputes.
Since January, representatives of the two countries have been engaged in a dialogue aimed at resolving their outstanding disputes.