Adele avoided all the outstretched limbs, but despite her care her right half-boot came down on a trickle of blood.
A sharp tingling raced through his outstretched limbs as if they'd gone to sleep and the blood was just now rushing back into them.
With their resolute gaze and taut, outstretched limbs, they are citadels of patriotism.
The center O takes on the symbol of the egg which exists as the window into the maternal structure with outstretched limbs.
Griff brushed against one of the shrub's outstretched limbs.
The Image was so vivid that she could see cold aching among the outstretched limbs of the trees.
The dead man lay on his back, sprawling with outstretched limbs in the centre of the room.
Samlor stumbled on an outstretched limb which gave but did not twitch beneath his boot.
He stumbled between outstretched limbs, half-covered arms, stark-white legs that shocked and horrified him.
From the length of his outstretched limbs he was evidently a tall man.