And they do differ, at least in terms of outward behavior.
In his outward behavior, Yogaswami followed the example of his guru, for he would drive away those who tried to approach him.
Stiffness, on the other hand, is an accident of outward behavior.
Men tend to display externalized symptoms, expressing problematic emotions in outward behavior.
However, this mere conformity of "outward" behaviour is but a first step.
It is not just outward behaviors but also inward mentalities that are diverging.
Let us therefore make excuses for his words and outward behaviour, for at heart Leonard had much to trouble him.
They exhibit little outward religious behavior or attitudes.
Just as one can change ones outward behaviour, but it means nothing if the interior beliefs are not also changed.
Phil main- tained a degree of normalcy in his outward behavior, keeping everyone on an even keel.