Her gaze was like an inspection: outwardly cool and composed-but absolutely complete.
Anyway, I guessed that Carolyn would be outwardly cool, but inwardly worried.
But his outwardly cool expression didn't change as he replied, stolidly, "Your pardon, but His Highness gave me orders that I was to put it into no one's hands but his.
His fingers were as cold as my own, and it occurred to me for the first time that despite his outwardly cool demeanor, he might be as nervous as I was.
Servants killed, treasured possessions robbed... but Galas was outwardly cool.
Nicknamed 'princess' by her teammates, Lal'C is outwardly cool and self-confident-traits that draw Nono's admiration for her, much to her initial annoyance.
Her outwardly cool tone snapped some restraint within the man.
His men's outwardly cool faces were sweating, despite the nuclear-powered air conditioning.
He kept outwardly cool while he was with them; but as soon as he left them and walked towards his own cabin, he felt choked.
Claude Daudet was outwardly cool but inwardly petrified.