It seems that American conservatives have never gotten over the end of the cold war and our victory over Communism.
In those days the Republicans were calling for victory over Communism, not proposing an "era of negotiation."
In some churches, the artwork focused on bluntly political images of triumph over Communism.
Yet the victory over Communism also drew attention to what John Paul had not achieved.
Americans, flush with victory over Communism and inhumanity, think ever more reflexively that their values are the world's.
After the victory over Communism, the impact of his teaching clearly diminished.
Since capitalism prevailed over Communism in the late 1980's, the authors contend, globalization has stepped up.
And even Western leaders could not dwell long on their victory over Communism.
Yeltsin always wanted his country to be accepted by the West as having triumphed over Communism.
We believe in the moral superiority of representative democracy over Soviet Communism.