Old fashioned cooks used to rub it over beef before roasting.
What was building here was a range war over beef.
After all, the battles over bananas and beef have already risen to the presidential level several times.
Germany has had no human casualties, but panic over beef has been at a high level for weeks.
Over hot beef and more mulled ale, the two comrades exchanged stories.
Serve over grilled fish, shrimp, octopus, beef, pork or chicken.
A spokesman at St. John, who refused to give his name, said the restaurant is not commenting on the national debate over beef.
Saturday's disclosure, some industry experts said, was also likely to be intended to ease international concerns over American beef.
The latest manifestation is the war over British beef.
The crisis over British beef is turning out to be more than a body blow to an industry worth $6.5 billion.