Saipem is also under trial in Italy over charges relating to the same case.
It is not the first time the council has been at the centre of a disagreement over charges for collection of waste.
His confirmation hearings were contentious and stalled for three years over charges of partisanship.
In addition, the opposition and the ruling coalition have taken each other to court over charges of fraud in the 1991 election.
Unfortunately, the two men fell out over mutual charges of financial irregularity combined with personal dislike.
But the array of offerings often ends up confusing people, leading to disputes over charges.
In September 2012 he was suspended from his government post over charges of hate speech and inciting violence.
Mr. Davis said the disputes over charges were not unusual.
However, he would come under much criticism and be involved in court battles over charges of patronage and political corruption.
Includes notices to a former tenant over unpaid charges.