It came after a week of confusion over the incident and criticism of the company's response.
It does not imply that the criticised authors have veto power over criticism.
He anguished over criticism of his work, but did not seem to know how to rebut it.
In 1994 she resigned over criticism for changes she had made to broaden the museum's appeal.
He said he was puzzled over criticism of the growth of the program.
The board has been troubled lately over deep internal divisions and criticism of its Middle East broadcasts.
The board requested the study last year out of concern over public criticism of accident investigations, especially air crashes.
Its 48 essays range widely over poetry, fiction and cultural criticism.
In August 2010 Money apologised to supporters for confronting them over criticism and abuse of his players.
Finally, in late 2003, smarting over criticism, the French government stepped in again.