This was an unprecedented event in Hollywood, heralding a new era in which the producer and the studio held artistic power over actors and directors.
As the studio system withered, so did the enormous power that executives wielded over actors and directors.
The most immediate effect of the move is on the Creative Artists Agency, which has held sway over the movie business through its control over top actors and directors.
Since her second cousin is president of Banco Popular, many among the Puerto Rican public suspected she was chosen over other directors due to favoritism.
She added that he got the job over other directors precisely because he rejected Hollywood convention.
Compensation experts give two main reasons for the influence that executives continue to wield over directors charged with setting salaries in the best interests of shareholders.
"This seemed interestingly," she writes, "different from the degree of control he had been known to exert over directors and designers."
Those votes - more than 350,000 in the most recent 12 months - give the nation's largest mutual fund company great power over corporate executives and directors.
Since that time, he has worked with over 60 CEOs and executive directors.
They are also caused by the inability of studios to keep control over producers and directors.