The political split was preceded by a sharp dispute within the Government over economics.
One member of the audience asked why there is such concern over economics when teams are selling for $100 million and more.
The uprising is, in one sense, a clash over economics and national security that played on Americans' fears of another terrorist attack.
In it, he makes a case that the war was fought over economics and trade rather than religion.
But the system's essence is the primacy of politics over economics.
History, in the British public culture, takes precedence over philosophy, psychology, sociology and economics.
Resources change over time with technology and economics; more efficient recovery leads to a drop in the ore grade needed.
Unfortunately, thanks to their catastrophic loss of control over basic economics, so were most governments.
This entire process represents, in the author's words, 'the triumph of politics over economics' (p. 94).
Behind the budget battles this year will lie a fight over economics.