But a dispute over liability has thus far scared off airport managers.
We sign rental agreements for beach houses, and then wring our hands over liability.
With the program slowed by resistance in the medical community and fights over liability and compensation, only about 36,000 people have thus far been vaccinated.
Union Carbide eventually paid the Indian Government nearly $600 million, but much of the money has been frozen by continuing disputes over liability.
Disputes over liability are often blamed for promoting litigation and delaying cleanups.
Now, it seemed, a complex battle over liability would be joined between Oxford, Cobh's firm, and the insurance companies.
Skate parks, once closed because of concerns over liability, are now opening again.
Disagreements over liability have made out-of-court settlements with the relatives of victims slow in coming, attorneys for the plaintiffs say.
But he has not only taken on the Republicans' bête noire, trial lawyers, in the battle over civil liability.
For Clinton, avoiding impeachment should take precedence over any embarrassment or legal liability.