The action was taken because of uncertainty over whether loans to developing nations, particularly in Latin America, would ever be repaid.
Major banks, in both urban and rural areas, have announced tighter control over loans.
It also increases the share of grants over loans to students from families earning $40,000 to $57,500.
However, fixed-rate second mortgages have one important advantage over home-equity loans: the rate will not change.
The real answer is that Japan's banks kept rolling over bad loans to weak borrowers.
The United States owns the biggest block of stock but has no veto over loans.
Or a financial crisis like that over savings and loans increases expenditure.
The stock market reacted to the housing figures with equanimity, although concern rose over higher loans.
He called for strict control over loans and debt defaults in the next six months.
The United States effectively has veto power over international loans to Indonesia.