Indonesian dissidents are either worried or outright indignant over this week's announcement that state security forces would become more involved in labour disputes.
(That may reflect little more than her name recognition and the initial excitement over her announcement.)
They were angry over her announcement that a leading member of the outgoing left-wing Sandinista government would be retained as head of the army.
As she finished up the morning milking, Serena thought over Maggie's breathless announcement.
But with the flush of excitement over Mr. Dole's announcement fading, the campaign faces some residual concerns.
Well, just to express also our deep concern over Iran's latest announcement.
Ireland manager Jack Charlton is thought to have played a part in the delay over Keane's announcement.
Clan hollered over the warning system's announcement, "In one minute this entire level of offices will be opened to vacuum.
I stepped over my announcement and went back to join Angelina.
The angry controversy that began in June over Mr. Rogers's announcement of a restructuring of the museum's organization and staff keeps being revived by aftershocks.