From 1981 to 1983 he also presided over the employers' association Federation of Norwegian Industries, having been vice president from 1979 to 1981.
A difficult situation now arose over our association with Fokker.
Disputes among scholars continue over Symon Petlura's association with these pogroms.
His wife Josefine (1811-1861) presided over the Jewish women's association.
Paul Hogan's appeal to young children ultimately led to much controversy over his association with the product.
Brown initially stated he had "no regrets" over his past association the Temple and that he would not dissociate himself from it like other politicians.
Father and son never got over their instinctual association of one another with trauma and disappointment.
Averting his eyes, Richard thought back over his association with Alec Mundford.
He gets along with them at first, but becomes uneasy at the sycophancy addressed at him over his association with the Sopranos.
Rabbi Morris Bronfeld raised concerns over the candidate's association with Mr. Jackson.