It offered $7.50 a share, a 30 percent premium over Compaq's bid of $5.75, which Proxicom's board accepted in late April.
The first four months of this year have been consumed in endless maneuvering over his bid for a second term.
The legal wrangle continues over Edinburgh University's bid to dispose of works of art from its collection.
Machinists and flight attendants have constantly been at odds with the company over its bid to terminate the pension plans.
He would pay but a tenth-part above what was asked last eightday in the exchange, and but a fraction over the day's bid.
Analysts and investors still seem convinced that Esat will be sold to a third party at a premium over Telenor's bid.
Nextel was sued by some American Mobile holders over its previous bid, which the holders considered too low.
The higher offer by Scottish Power represented a 7.5 percent increase over its earlier bid.
Over North's double East bid five diamonds, and South's five-heart bid was carried to six by his partner.
Analysts said yesterday that they expected shareholders to favor the recapitalization offer over Desert Partners' $45-a-share bid.