Uncertainty over Renault's ties with Volvo would complicate a sale.
But their comments on Wednesday should deepen the concern in Washington among lawmakers and others who are under scrutiny over their ties to the lobbyist.
After initial successful talks the effort failed, largely due to the mistrust from English side over Guy's strong ties with the French court.
Wednesday, meanwhile, went down 5-3 over their two ties with Kaiserslautern after the 2-2 draw at Hillsborough.
Members of the Senate are also feeling pressure over their ties to Mr. Abramoff.
But the old friends taunted Mr. Smith over his ties with the deputy, calling him an informer.
Amid concern over Hurley's ties to large automakers, Hurley later withdrew his name from consideration.
He has at various points investigated registered lobbyists over their ties to all three of the state's current leaders.
Slowly at first, then more frequently, she encountered problems over her continuing ties to South Africa.
Mr. Morris fussed over his ties before White House meetings.