He has spent most of the day poring over research for a "Nightline" program on the homeless.
But it also goes to the heart of the emerging debate over research and censorship.
It has jurisdiction over non-defense federal scientific research and development.
What do you and your academic friends make of the debate over embryonic-stem-cell research in this country?
Is he aware of the real problems over on-going research?
After the article ran, the police interviewed its author, who willingly handed over her tapes, notes and research.
So the outcome of the political war over thermonuclear research is anything but clear.
But now, using Plagiarism.org, he can identify students who choose deceit over research.
How much, if any, control a corporation should have over academic research is a touchy subject at many universities.
Today's confrontation with Iran over nuclear research is an example of how, as the saying goes, history rhymes.