Whatever the substantive merits, the debate over statewide antismoking restrictions has long been considered a political mine field.
They said the county and town have resolved longstanding differences over zoning restrictions and potential uses for the land.
Approval for the ordinations represented improvements over past restrictions.
The prosecutors suggested various motives, including resentment over chores and driving restrictions, or even the lure of a $3 million family estate.
Common political ground has been found in the fight over restrictions on the National Endowment for the Arts.
That has faded quickly in recent months, as Pyongyang and the agency have repeatedly tangled over restrictions placed on inspectors.
The bill stalled in the Senate last December over restrictions on lawsuits by victims of terrorism.
The main disagreement is over restrictions on contributions by political action committees.
But the dispute over legislative restrictions on the arts endowment's grant making has guaranteed that the present hearings will continue well into next year.
Public outcry over such restrictions on liberty has been substantial.