The number of participants has been increasing yearly: as of 2005 over 10,000 dancers participate in this competition every year.
The ensemble consists of three groups, Junior, Intermediate and Senior and comprises over 80 dancers.
An Coimisiún's World Championships are the largest, with over 6,000 dancers competing from over 30 countries world-wide.
There were over 110 dancers from 27 countries in the competition this year.
There are over 170 dancers all together in Motora.
After the parade of all delegations, Olga Tañón opened the show with a performance that featured over 30 dancers and a fireworks display.
Each year over 100 dancers audition for the team of 16 to 18 dancers.
He was scheduled to finish on July 10, at which time he would start the military wedding number using over 400 professional dancers.
Raven spotted him, then shoved Gemma back, causing the model to knock over two dancers before sprawling on her hands and knees.
Numbering just over 70 dancers, the company is about two-thirds Korean.