As of 2008, the Census estimated there were 75,163 people, over 29,341 households, and 18,031 families residing in the city.
The area has approximately 60,000 inhabitants spread over 16,200 households.
The Cincinnati metropolitan area was very hard hit, with over 927,000 households losing power in that region (approximately 2.1 million people).
Data was collected from over 50,000 households over a 4 month period.
According to our research, there are 8,500 college graduates living in the area and over 5,000 households with incomes of $50,000 or more.
At current levels this means over 50,000 one-parent households in a year.
Every year, worldwide, over 100,000 households fall into poverty due to health care expenses.
The village has a population of 1914 people, spread over 491 households.
It is estimated that these programmes have benefited over 400,000 households.
Over 12.7 million households, 32.5 million people were expected to be counted.