He has admitted over 600 lawyers to the Alberta Bar, a record.
The organization has a large grassroots network with 135 chapters and over 550 lawyers.
Together, there were well over 100 lawyers whose ranks swelled with former prosecutors.
He also had supervisory jurisdiction over more than 75 lawyers in other city agencies.
At the time of the bankruptcy filing, it employed over 1,000 lawyers in 26 offices around the world.
The firm employs over 100 lawyers and 250 support staff.
The firm currently has 37 offices worldwide and employs over 2,400 lawyers, making it the third largest law firm in the world.
Jones Day is especially renowned for its litigation practice, which numbers over 1,000 lawyers and is the largest in the world.
The firm employs over 200 lawyers, of whom more than 65 are partners.
The team is made up of over 100 partners, 300 lawyers and a total staff of over 600 people.