By June of that year his map had over 400,000 users.
Before that, the game grew in popularity, and had over 8 million users.
Today there are over 60,000 users and about 1,300 base stations in the whole country.
As of July 28, 2007, the site boasts over 33 million users.
It is, as of 2013, the most played video game in the world with over 32 million active users per month.
It claims on average over 635,000 unique users per month.
Over 16,200 users registered within two months after the system was introduced in 2011.
Over 350 users and 15 staff members participated in the study.
By the end of the project, there were over 32,000 registered users on the site.
Launched on October 14, 2002, over 400,000 users were playing after the first two months.