Little Things Count Some budget battles are fought over large sums of money.
"You'd better muse over your lessons and sums," said Marilla, concealing her delight at this development of the situation.
She has been warned that the public will not continue to hand over large sums to some of the young royals.
Foreign presses have forked over hefty sums for translation rights.
The board's main frustration has been the difficulty of finding new donors willing to fork over significant sums.
They also have a big influence over huge sums.
Both men say they support the idea of a federal Afghanistan and yet have only handed over small sums to the central government.
But critics say the plan will give appointees power over large sums of money now voted on by elected officials, and thus encourage corruption.
In the first month, he'd killed two men and a woman over sums that a year before would have seemed ludicrous.
There were bills - there was constant trouble over small sums of money.