But construction on the chancery was halted in 1985 over suspicions about the bugging.
The former mayor was first singled out over suspicions about the cost of projects like sewage treatment plants and animal shelters.
His position was filled by Wang Jun, who was soon himself demoted over suspicions, never proven, that he was plotting treason.
Later that day an officer from Operation Weeting was arrested at his desk over suspicions of leaks to the media.
The Beijing West station cost a record three-quarters-of-a-billion dollars and its construction has been criticized by some over suspicions of corruption during the construction.
Iran's nuclear program has been the subject of contention with the West since 2006 over suspicions of its intentions.
Still, it's not a foregone conclusion that his audience will abandon his music over suspicions about his sexual proclivities.
He appears several times in the book Spycatcher written by Peter Wright, who he hoped would clear the air over suspicions about his wartime role.
It also means the partnership, which was designed to gloss over mutual suspicions and fears that have now begun to fade, will make way for a more open political rivalry.
Police arrested the general manager of a travel agent based in Kathmandu over suspicions of tax evasion during the sale of tickets for the flight.