But they are trying now through Parliament to pass a new bill to have more control over writers and editors.
In East Germany, where a stern Communist Government exercised severe censorship over writers, the situation was different.
The novel's landmark status in literary history has meant it has had a rich and varied influence over later writers, from Cervantes' own lifetime to the present-day.
Bonanno's disjunctive method gives her one big advantage over most writers of multivolume series.
The festival featured over 1,500 poets and writers at over 900 events in more than 100 cities across the state.
Magazines including Vanity Fair and Premiere are sometimes accused of negotiating with a star's press agent over writers and photographers.
In turn, of course, the Narnia books cast their shadow over other writers.
And over the centuries, saints, philosophers, scientists and writers have reported receiving guidance or inspiration from voices that only they could hear.
The rich and famous, royalty and heads of state from all over the world, presidents, politicians, actors and famous writers have stayed within its walls.
A technical writer has no standard career path, per se, but technical writers may move into project management over other writers.