Perhaps they felt in on the joke, laughing at the over-the-top characters from a sense of "in-group recognition".
Maybe they're both: the exalted Sun King and the Indian monarch as the equivalent of slightly over-the-top characters in a musical comedy.
Since then, the actor has played a host of over-the-top characters who rarely go gentle into - anywhere.
Changing the feel from that of an American Western to a Spaghetti Western allowed the developers to add more blood and over-the-top characters.
The game mixes western and Japanese-themed comedy, containing over-the-top characters and storyline events.
Changing the style to a Spaghetti Western allowed the developers to add more violence and over-the-top characters.
Mr. Jones says he yearns to play Iago but also has a taste for over-the-top western characters.
Only fictional over-the-top characters could ever allow themselves to be portrayed as such out-of-touch, vacuous, condescending loons.
Her ability to transform her facial expressions and appearance into a variety of over-the-top characters .
Her ability to transform her facial expressions and appearance into a variety of over-the-top characters has made audiences fall in love with her.