On Rotten Tomatoes, the film received 37% overall approval out of 38 reviews.
Among California adults, overall approval was 47% approval to 38% disapproval.
On Rotten Tomatoes, the film received 89% overall approval out of 45 reviews.
While the selection of Wheaton was controversial, it was met with overall approval in the army due to his excellent war record.
Film review site Rotten Tomatoes calculated a 66% overall approval based on 166 reviews.
On Rotten Tomatoes, the film received 74% overall approval from critics.
He wants to see the project built, he said, and the height study will be completed by August, well before the development could receive overall approval.
On Rotten Tomatoes it has received a 100% overall approval from critics.
"This would mean a comprehensive plan that would get overall approval, and then individual permitting of the different projects as they come forward."
I take the view that, especially when there are ten new Commissioners, this House must also have the right of at least overall approval.