As with any such offers, make sure they're priced into your overall budget for the campaign.
The overall budget for the city and its schools is currently about $925 million.
The film was shot on a 30-day schedule with an overall budget of $4.5 million.
Try to get one million dollars out of the overall budget below the line.
There has been an increase in the overall budget made available by the Government for training.
Yet the agency's overall budget for housing is far less than it was 25 years ago.
Since 2004, the company had provided about $10.2 million, or roughly 80 percent, of the team's overall budget.
The film was completed on an overall budget of €350,000.
The overall military budget would increase by about $20 billion a year for each of the next five years.
Right now, we do not know how much the overall European budget will add up to.