Following these guidelines, carpenters and builders could achieve an overall architectural harmony.
The use of construction modules keeps proportions between different parts of the edifice constant, preserving its overall harmony.
At the sides of the podium, two porches with remains of buildings used as shops and various services complement the overall harmony.
The mood is improvisational, like a jazz ensemble, in which the solo parts flow into the overall harmony.
The overall harmony of elements was sacrificed as effects were compressed for space.
Chief Justice Fuller instituted the practice as a reminder that differences of opinion on the Court did not preclude overall harmony of purpose.
The overall harmony of the colors was striking, suggesting that some effort had been made by the designers to include aesthetic considerations.
He asserted that an action's morality is decided by whether it advances or degrades overall harmony in the world.
On the spring of 1894, Feszty did the finishing touches, bringing the painting into overall harmony.
Liana and the Duke were part of it, focal points that fit seamlessly into the overall harmony that was the castle.