It offers detailed analysis of games through simulated betting lines, projected point totals and overall probabilities.
However, it is reasonable to assume that we know the overall probabilities with which cells are infected with either mutant or wild-type genotype.
The overall probability of winning on a $2 play is approximately 1 in 5.9.
If the latter quantity equals 10, then the overall universal probability bound corresponds to the original value.
The overall probability of finding a differential characteristic thus becomes higher than using standard differential techniques.
This happens with a probability of approximately 2, and the overall probability of the outbound phase is therefore 2.
Based on all these studies, he asserted, "the overall probability that Spearman's hypothesis is false is less than one in a billion."
Over 3.5 million additional prizes were expected to be won yearly (based on the same sales level) due to the change in overall probability.
In this assumption, the probabilities of a chance match at each sequence can be multiplied together to get an overall probability.
"But you have to look at that in terms of the overall probability of whether a catastrophic one will hit here."