As part of the overall reorganization, creditors would receive the remaining 55 percent of the equity in the reorganized airline, debt securities and preferred stock.
After the initial disruption, the unions soon began an overall reorganization of all trades, closing down hundreds of smaller plants and focusing on those few better equipped ones, improving working conditions.
The changes at Prudential Securities are part of an overall reorganization of the parent company that was reported on Sunday in The New York Times.
The wing and the 90th moved to England Air Force Base, Louisiana, as part of an overall reorganization to reduce the number of wings located in Japan.
The 6th Etzioni Brigade was disbanded following the war, in light of the IDF's overall reorganization that only left three standing brigades in summer 1949.
It ceased to exist on May 17, 1935 when it was redesignated as the Transcaucasian Military District in connection with the overall reorganization of the Red Army.
But the overall reorganization, if well executed, should make the company more competitive and ultimately increase profitability, they said.
On 1 May 1944, the 346th Bombardment Group was inactivated as part of an overall reorganization of training.
The overall reorganization is to be formally approved later this year at a meeting of heads of alliance governments, which is currently scheduled for November, probably in Rome.
It was relocated from 1080 to 1150 kHz in the overall national reorganization of the AM radio band by the Federal Radio Commission in 1928.