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The overarching concern in financing law enforcement, officials said, is the need to make counterterrorism the top priority.
Everyone seemed to be united in a certain kind of a paranoia and an overarching concern for the children.
As the representative of foreign music companies, his overarching concern is to stem pirating of CD's.
"That should be the first overarching concern when you consider your investment strategy."
The overarching international concern as the Athens Games approach is security.
There's a recognition that the well-being of the tenants and of the city is the overarching concern.
Opinions expressed during the session can generally be summarized in five overarching concerns:
But my overarching concern, as I wrote at the end, is how unequal American society has become in the past three decades.
An overarching concern of "Matinee Idylls" is the eternal struggle between form and message.
Their overarching concern was the concept of progress, the betterment of society and human beings.