"If you would come this way ..." They went through another archway into the courtyard, where a dozen tables were set on the ceramic tiles under two overarching trees that shaded most of the space.
The overarching trees on the Museum grounds had hid the full panorama from him.
HoUy Lisle was smoother where the road lay-a narrow ribbon of white between the overarching trees.
The swiveling, roof-racked beacons on a police car cannot chase off the beauty of the overarching trees, but they do remind him that, although exquisite, this world turns in turbulence and is not at peace.
It was with a sigh of relief that the American turned the car into the dark shadows beneath the overarching trees of the first cross street.
Beyond the gate, a fire road disappeared into the overarching trees.
A stream splashed swiftly between mossy rocks, and disappeared over a lip into a narrow little chasm dark under the overarching trees.
Spanish moss hangs from the ancient overarching trees that provide a roof for this outdoor dance hall.
We flowed beneath the overarching trees, and her hooves making music on the hard-packed earth woke a like song in my heart.
A heavyset than, who had appeared from a shadowed section of the wider trail shadowed by the overarching trees, waddled down the gentle slope toward the river and the man in olive.